Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reflection on language activity

Last class we rewrote speeches of politicians by following Orwells rules and then doing the exact oposite. when following his rules i found out how difficult they were to follow, it was always easy to write in simple language, but keeping it specific was sometimes was difficult. it was also hard to write simply and still write well. trying to follow orwells rules i sometimes ended up just sounding like a second grader trying to write a speech, not a poet. i think orwells rules can produce good speeches if your a writer with the caliber to follow them, but if you cant they can just be dull and unconvincing, theyre not practical for all of  us. also during the activity i learned how language can manipulate the percieved "truth" in political speeches, how faults of the party can be downplayed and danger can be played up. like how bush used the word "regime" to describe certian countries. regime has dark connotations, to me it seems like a mysterious powerful government made up of sly barbaric leaders. he does this to create a fear of these regimes justifying americas attack of them.

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