Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dear Abby

Dear Embarrassed in Encino,
Friendships are tricky business. I for one think that rude behavior is very disgraceful and I am bothered by the lack of manners in the world today. But nonetheless its best to keep your mouth shut, in order to maintain friends. Its better for your reputation to have friends that are a bit obnoxious than no friends. But to make the situation better try to compensate for bad friends by making yourself look good, always dress nicely and try to be very polite to others when you’re group of friends is acting poorly. You’ll get the respect of others outside your group of friends and hopefully you’re friends will follow your example. But primarily you want to remain faithful to your friends no matter what, friendship is the most valuable thing these days, and it is best to preserve them and remain loyal to them because they are all you have. If you preserve the friendship but still maintain your manners, you never know your positive example might rub off on your friends. If you become very frustrated with your friends
Robert Cohn

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