Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feminism and Speech

All in all The femininst articles state that speech is power, and that women need to fight for that power. I don’t think that’s entirely true not all quiet girls are victims of sexism. It only applies to societies which specifically look down at chatty girls. The second article mentions the keeping silence and allowing abuse, and how we must speak out aginst things of that sort. But in Handmaids Tale wasn’t burning porn and worrying about rape and other abuses what led them to radically change their society to become more sexist despite the removal of women’s objectification? Unlike these societies the men in handmiads tale have little power and they are just as deprived as the women, they are not allowed to be with who they want or flirt with the women or talk to them really, but they are allowed to read as the women cannot so like articles Margarette Attwood suggests that language is what keeps the men in power. But also Handmaids Tale does portray a certain power in silence, for example in the extract we read in class, "it says i don't have to tell I don't have to tell him anything." She maintains control by with holding information, she has what he wants giving her the upper hand, can't silence sometimes be a thing of power? but there are other situations in the handmaids tale when speech was considered powerful you can see the club girls that are outspoken and they seem powerful. Declaring silence as a restraint or a thing of power depends on the circumstances.

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