Monday, November 1, 2010

barbie and magazines or our society?

I think the articles were interesting but they exaterated the negative effects of magazines and Barbie dolls. I don’t think it’s the dolls and magazines that cause these issues, they reflect it and encourage it. why did girls buy Barbie so much if it made them feel bad about themselves and why didn’t they buy dawns instead? The initial cause is a social issue not the doll. But I do think if agirl did own a Barbie doll and played with it frequently her body image issues would grow. As for teen magazines I think their impact is not that large, sourounding people have a more profound effect on girls than magazines. Magazines in my opinion aren’t read religiously their something you read when your bored or in a waiting room or something. After reading the article on magazines I found an issue of seventeen lying around my house and compared it too what the article said. There were the usually fashion and beauty tips, as for the models, a majority were white and skinny there were a fair amount of minorities too it wasn’t as racist as the article made it out to be. The health section while it featured a skinny girl encouraged more of a healthy lifestyle than an extreme diet or exercise regimen and it didn’t say lose ten pounds or anything. There was a beauty article about embracing your hair and facial feature and the main photo showed a girl with braces, that is a good thing. Also It had an article showing off the best boyfriends in America which probably had a negative effect on single or gay girls, but it also had an article which encouraged girls to follow their dreams and dream bigger which is a good thing. In general the tone of the magazine wasn’t harsh or saying you had to be a certain way it had a tone encouraging self esteem, it wasn’t as bad as the article said and I didn’t feel negatively about myself after reading it. now there are magazines out their that are bad for self esteem but really their catering to our society girls are the clients they are buying what pleases them,while they do affect girls no one is forcing them to by them.

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