Wednesday, January 12, 2011

technology and hunger

The article from bbc discussed how the internet distracts us from work and home life but it is the fault of the people using it not the internet it self. they describe it as away to keep us busy with benign and fluffy things so we can temporarely ignore the problems of our real lives. If we continue to become obsessed with these distractions we will never confront our issues. This relates to hunger in many ways . the main character is constantly distracting him self with benign things like a flies on his paper the way an obsessed gamer or facebooker would today. According to this article he does this to cope with his loneliness hunger and madness with out actually confronting it, its his little escape. He gets excited over the most bizarre and tiny things showing that he has no real joy in his real life. But how exactly do we define whats real to us and whats fluff. If we engage in these so called distractions so often don’t they become part of our real life? If so you could just interpret them as away to find joy in your every day life and which is the goal. If that’s true then, when the man in hunger plays a stupid joke on a police officer and laughs histericaly isn’t he just choosing to be happy in his suffering and madness, or is he just choosing to be happy despite his madness and suffering. The man in hunger is very interesting because he is aware of his madness but he doesn’t necesaryily try to take responsibility of his madness. In his awareness he is also worried of what other people think of him. This is a tricky part of exhistentailism how can we be conscious of ourselves with out feeling self conscious? its just too hard this is why we need to be absurd this is why we need distractions.

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