First I would make up mind map or web of the stranger with as little focus on a topic as possible. Look over the book at notes and annotations and expand and highlight important stuff and bookmark pages and then expand more on my mind map. After I have made a developed web I would look at the ideas that I seemed to focus a lot on in my mind map, the parts that I made the most connections and what I think is most important. I would then put these ideas into a more organized but still incomplete outline, to get a general idea of structure and form a rough thesis. I would search for evidence to back up my argument and if I found any evidence that disagreed with my thesis or altered it in some way I would alter my thesis. I would do some analysis and interpretation of the quotes and see how this expands on my thesis and if ideas and perhaps reorganize the body paragraphs if I see some new connections. I “finalize” my thesis and write topic sentences. I will then start to write the essay. I will start based off the outline but it will probably diverge from the outline and I will let that happen. I will let my ideas developed more I will look for more quotes if I want or refer back to the mind map. I will also note down any questions that I feel are important but I don’t quite know what to do with them. My conclusion will be very disorganized with lots of last minute on tangential questions or interpretation. I will highlight quotes topic sentences and analysis interpretation to take note of the structure. I will not fuss too much about the structure yet but I will want to make sure that my analysis is more than my quotations this will help me with the next step. After this rough write I will compare the outline to the rough draft and see what Ideas could be cut or kept and verify that my thesis, I will look at the ideas in the conclusion but I wont do too much altering. I will rework the writing in the essay to make it cound clearer and concise, I will change ideas here if I feel the need but I will focus on the clarity of my writing. I wont edit or revise the conclusion yet. After this I will look in my conclusion and any extra questions I wrote when writing the essay also my mind map outline and the book to see I find or develop new ideas that are relevant to my thesis. I will try to link any relevant ideas to my body paragraphs, this will help me see if ideas are really relevant this will help me verify my conclusion and intro. I will organize the conclusion making sure all relevant ideas are clearly stated and it all relates back to my thesis. I will reread the essay checking for clarity, links between ideas and grammar spelling etc I will make sure everything is written in the clearest way and that it all links back to my thesis. The conclusion I will make sure that my thesis is not only argued but its importance is illustrated in the conclusion.
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